Thursday, July 5, 2018

Thoughts for Week 2


                  I have heard many stories of how social media has helped and enhanced people’s lives. I’ve seen first-hand how social media has brought people together; I’ve also seen how disputes have been started and feelings have been hurt because of this media platform. I can and do appreciate the good and bad that this platform offers, I chose not to put my time or energy into any of these platforms. It’s a conscience choice I’ve made in my life at this time. Here’s some of my reasoning; I choose to put my energy into face to face contact with people, call family and friends and have real conversations and use the computer and phone as tools. This does not mean I don’t send emails or text, I do quite often, however, I truly enjoy talking to and getting together with my crazy family and friends. That connection and memories are so very precious and important.
                  I have a large family and I’m truly blessed with friendships I’ve had for long periods of time. These people keep my grounded and remind me I’m a sister, mother, daughter-in-law, cousin and aunt. Because of my personality I need these people, I need the connection and I need to see them often. I like the fact that they’ve seen my worst and still love me, I like the fact I don’t have to pretend, I don’t have to be ‘polished’, at this time in my life I don’t feel I get this type of intimate engagement on a social media platform.
                  To me the computer is a tool as well as my phone, I truly don’t enjoy spending time on either of them. My middle daughter did create a Facebook page for me in hopes I would use it, I tried, I lost interest in it almost immediately. She then created a Snapchat account for me, I again tried it for a short time and again lost interest in it and really felt I would rather spend my energy in seeing my family and creating memories with them. In truth I do have a Pinterest login, somehow my youngest daughter figured out a way for me to follow her. Again, I use Pinterest as a tool for patterns or to learn a new skill.
                  I belong to a few groups that meet monthly and we talk about a very broad array of topics, I absolutely love it! At this point and time, I just don’t want to spend my energy on social media platforms. If I want to know something I’ll research what I want to know, if I want to ask questions of a person I’ll call them, text or get together with them.

                  Sherry Turkle’s TedTalk was so spot on! As our children were growing and the internet was becoming more and more of a ‘thing’ we made some decisions early on. For example, our computer has always been in our family room, dinner as a family meant NO electronics and we didn’t have cable for our T.V.  Of course as our family was growing up my husband and I had to really make sure we were consistent with these rules, and make sure family time was electronic free. Fast forward about fifteen years, our children, grandchildren, husband and I were at a restaurant together and my phone goes off I reach down to answer a text. All together I get dirty looks and reminded that there is NO cellphones at the table! They were right and I was busted. It’s been amazing to watch my children raising their children with these same safe guards. They’re instilling the same notion of how important it is to laugh, cook, eat and really connect with one another without electronics.
                  Don’t get me wrong, getting texts from my granddaughter saying hello and she loves me puts me on cloud nine! Having my grandkids call me (hopefully with parent approval) to just chat makes me tear up, I love these connections with them. With anything, there needs to be moderation and this moderation needs to be taught and we need to be the example.
                  I am an amazing procrastinator, if there was a degree in it I’d have a doctorate. Having games on my phone is a very bad thing for me. Just recently I caught myself losing two hours playing Tetris instead of doing school work, the game was deleted quickly. For this reason, I have one game on my phone, Pokémon Go. This is a game I play with my family and husband. My husband and I walk, talk and play together almost every night when he gets home from work. This game has allowed me to connect with my grandsons and talk to them about it. I spend about twelve to fifteen hours a week playing. I’ve gone out with a few of my kids and grandkids and done a Pokémon walk, I had to laugh when my seven-year-old grandson was explaining to me about catching a certain Pokémon. Then of course he demonstrated his strategy. Because of the game Michael and I have gotten to know our community and lovely people in our community. My husband and I use the time to connect, exercise and blow off steam.
                  At this juncture of my life social media and most games online hold no interest for me. I am apart of different groups that meet regularly and have tons of contact with family and friends. I use my computer and phone as tools to enhance my reality. I do feel I’m informed and when I want to know more about something I do my own research and seek counsel from the people around me. This may change in the future; I may reactivate my Facebook page or join an online group for gaming. There are some very real and positive aspects to each of these platforms. Right now my reality is they don’t interest me, I don’t want to make the time to be in front of a screen and I love getting together with my peeps for a good meal, coffee or a walk.

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